Angles Quiz 05 View All Quizzes
The quarter of a circle is __________ degrees.
We often measure degrees using a _______________.
The straight angle is also called a_____________ circle.
Identify the degree symbol.
Angles can also be measured in ___________.
When we add up the Interior angle and Exterior angle, we get a ____ line.
An ________ angle is an angle inside a shape.
An angle which is greater than 90° is known as:
The ________ angle is the angle between any side of a shape.
<ABC and CBD are __________________ angles.

Welcome to angles quiz games for kids! Trivia Games Online feels extremely excited to have you here. You are at the perfect place to test your mathematical skills. These interesting angles quiz games for kids are very easy to play. Simply guess the right answer of the questions from the given options and choose to score points. More right guesses, the more points you score. Simple right? But kids, don’t take these angles quiz games lightly. The quiz starts from easy questions but proceeds to some mind-testing ones. These interesting angles quizzes can be played by kids of all age groups, teens and adults to either test their skills, learn some fun facts, or to simply prepare for upcoming tests. Clear any doubt or question you have in your mind without having to go through boring lectures again and again! The fact that these quizzes are completely free to play is what makes us best of all. So start playing now and score maximum points! All the best, folks!