Are you ready to create a Teachers Pay Teachers account but don’t know how?
Well, this guide will help you with “how to make an account on Teachers Pay Teachers or TPT. Trivia Games Online for kids sharing the easy steps to set up a TPT account in 2024 as a buyer in just a few minutes.
1. Visit the Site
Visit the link to create an account:
On the website, look for a “Join Us” option. This is typically found on the homepage in the Top right corner.
2. Step 2: Join
Select TPT membership account and click on “Join Now”
3. How to Register as a Member
After choosing a TPT membership account, the information form appears. As you can see below, complete the necessary fields:
4. How to Make a Purchase Now
Now, you are all set to purchase your first worksheet or educational material. Explore the platform and browse thoroughly to get your hands on useful worksheets.
Many teachers and parents seek guidance for Teachers Pay Teachers, such as how to begin using TPT and some TPT pointers. Some teachers use this platform to earn passive income as a teacher.
This step-by-step guide will help the teachers and parents to set up their accounts and download or buy educational resources. Share this within your circle and share your suggestions at