Nature Facts Quiz for Kids
There are many fascinating aspects of our surroundings that you might not be aware of. Learning more about how we relate to nature is one of the finest ways to enjoy the world around us.
Sometimes, nature can be incredibly intricate and utterly intriguing. Here are 10 of our most amazing and bizarre fun nature facts for kids. Children will love reading these nature fun facts and so will you.
1. More trees than stars!
It may seem strange, but the Earth has 12 times as many trees as stars in the Milky Way. The number of stars in our galaxy is thought to be between 200 and 400 billion, but there are an estimated 1 trillion trees on Earth.
2. Coexisting of four different human species:
Four different human species once coexisted at the same time. German researchers came to the conclusion that four unique human species coexisted at the same time around 3 million years ago after carefully examining hominid fossils discovered in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Chad. How or if they are linked to one another and whether they interacted with one another are unknown.
3. Heat is the deadliest weather condition.
Tornadoes, hurricanes, and flooding can devastate entire towns at once, but the weather condition that proves deadliest to humans is actually heat.
4. It takes two years to grow a pineapple.
The next time you purchase a beautiful pineapple and then let it go to waste, keep this in mind. A pineapple will take about 18 months to bloom if it is planted from a sucker, but it will take two to two and a half years if you grow it from the top.
5. An extinct species of penguins was nearly 7-feet tall!
The biggest penguins around nowadays are emperor penguins, measuring a respectable 4 feet in height.
6. Quicksand is unlikely to be fatal for anyone.
You’ve seen those films and television shows where someone is dramatically sucked up by quicksand. Simply said, it’s dramatic but untrue. Because quicksand is typically only a few inches deep, this is true. If quicksand does kill someone, it usually happens in tidal basins. When the tide comes in, the person drowns after becoming stuck.
7. Goats have accents.
Researchers at Queen Mary University of London found that though goats don’t have their own language, they do seem able to pick up accents from one another
8. Our galaxy is set to collide with the Andromeda galaxy.
Our galactic home, the Milky Way, is on an inevitable collision course with our nearest neighbour, the Andromeda galaxy. Don’t lose any sleep over this eventuality, though—it won’t happen for another 3.75 billion years.
9. Saturn was water-soluble.
Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system, although despite its size, it could float on water due to its mostly gaseous and icy composition.
10. Armadillos can withstand gunfire
According to various tales, shooting an armadillo will cause the bullet to bounce off the animal’s armor and strike the shooter.
That’s all for now, kids. But don’t worry. If you want to learn or read something other than fun facts about nature, we have a wide range of fact files from different categories which you will love to read. These interesting nature fun facts are something everyone would love.
So get started now and share the amazing facts with family, friends, and loved ones!